The New York City Panel on Climate Change (NPCC) is an independent advisory body that synthesizes climate change science to inform New York City policy.
Climate change presents urgent, immediate, and long-term challenges to New York City. To confront these challenges and build a more resilient and equitable future for all New Yorkers, the NPCC was convened to regularly assess the current state of the science on climate change and provide actionable policy-relevant recommendations for adaptation and mitigation to the Mayor and City Council.
Since the first assessment, NPCC has produced climate projections of record for NYC. Each NPCC builds on previous assessments, expanding and updating specific topics of ongoing concern to the city. The assessments are organized around core topics, which are explored across peer reviewed chapters and a special report on climate risk information.

NPCC assessments are co-produced through the collaborative efforts of climate scientists, social scientists, policy makers and NYC agency representatives, urban planners, architects, engineers, and community groups. The current NPCC (4) made a deliberate decision to incorporate justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in its collective work with special attention on incorporating racial equity in its own practices, procedures, and methods of assessment.